Monday, October 5, 2009

One More Saturday Night...

Most of you are probably my age and like to go out on the weekends. Let me remind you that getting wasted with your friends is okay... actually its more than okay, we all do it, but college is over. You cant get hammered drunk and do stupid things that can harm your future. I mean you can if you want to, but I dont suggest it. Anyways, the reason I bring this up is because of the absolute craziness I saw go down on saturday night outside of Spitzers.

I went outside to talk with some friends and saw this girl walking around on the corner. She was so wasted that she could barely stand. As she wobbled from one end of the sidewalk to the other, she ended up pushing some girls that I knew and getting into an altercation with them. At this point, drunk girls friend realizes what is going on and tries to stop her friend from making a fool out of herself, so she tries to pull her away. Drunk I shall now call her decides to push her own friend and curse her out, in which case the friend leaves her to be on her own. Now rolling solo, drunk girl decides to continue this fight with the girls on the corner, causing whats already a large scene to become even larger...and then the cops arrive.

This is when the real great shit goes down. The cops get out and ofcourse single out Drunk Girl. They bring her over to their cop car where she proceeds to yell at them and tries to walk away. One of the cops pulls her back to the car and continues to speak with her. Drunk Girl continues her ridiculous antics, yelling and screaming, andddd being a complete and utter fool. Then the highlight of my night, she stops yelling and cursing at the cop and looks as if she is going to projectile all over this cop....instead Drunk Girl flips the cops tie into his face, oh yes...she did. The real beauty is she did it not once, but TWICE. The cop then starts to go for the cuffs and thats when I got into my cab. Supposedly she gave the cop a nice 5 finger to the face, but I cant confirm this. I guess its just one more saturday night in the city that never sleeps.

The moral of the story here nice to your friends when your blacked out...or they will leave you to do embaressing shit on your own or in this case, get arrested. DONT BE THAT GUY...or girl.

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